Modern Slavery Statement
At Elementis, we take the risk of modern slavery seriously. We will not tolerate forced labour or child labour in our supply chain.
We recognise that modern slavery and human trafficking are serious global issues which require vigilance and attention. We assess the risks, educate our staff and set expectations in our supply chain.
We comply with all applicable local labour laws and respect rights such as freedom of association and collective bargaining. We provide fair conditions for all our employees including terms and conditions of employment, market-related pay and benefits, working hours and holiday entitlement. We check that the individual has the correct right to work documentation. Temporary workers are employed via staffing agencies, which are required to comply with all regulations and laws applicable to our agreements with them. In the UK, our accreditation as Living Wage Employer was renewed by the Living Wage Foundation in March 2022, meaning that we continue to meet the standards set by Citizens UK and the Living Wage Foundation.
Modern Slavery Statement by Elementis
In accordance with UK law, we publish an annual statement setting out the action we have taken on preventing Modern Slavery in the past year. Our statement is available here.
Our UK Living Wage accreditation can also be viewed here.