Traditional ceramics
Natural materials for effective production control
Traditional ceramics are typically crafted from natural materials like quartz sand and clay minerals. These materials find their use in various applications, including clay tile and brick manufacturing, tableware production, refractory linings, and industrial abrasives.
When working with traditional ceramics, it's essential to understand that they are composed of natural, inorganic material blends, making it challenging to control their composition and behaviour during production. To overcome this challenge and achieve the desired production control, the use of rheological additives becomes necessary.
Our BENTONE® range offers a solution to attain the desired viscosity in your traditional ceramic production process. This range has been specifically developed to enhance stability and effectively suspend solid materials in primary blends and glazes. It relies on special clays derived from smectite and hectorite, contributing to both fire resistance and the ability to achieve the desired viscosity levels effectively.