Adhesion Promoter Improves the adhesion between OPP laminating ink and PET film.

Adherant ADK is an additive to improve adhesion between lamination inks and PET film. It also improves intercoat adhesion of solvent-based coatings to plastics and metal substrates. 

Key properties

  • Only a small amount of Adherant ADK can improve the adhesion between lamination and PET film.
  • Proper adjusting the formulation can expand applications of light packaging inks in common use.
  • Due to good compatibility, Adherant ADK does not affect the gloss and color strength of printing inks.
  • Improves intercoat adhesion.
  • Increases adhesion for plastics and metal substrates.


  • Adhesion Promoters / Bonding Agents

Market segment

  • Paints, Coatings & Inks


  • Other transportation coatings
  • General industrial coatings
  • Inks

How can we help?

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