Thixotropic additive for aqueous construction and coatings systems
BENTONE CT rheological additive is a natural untreated, hectorite clay with a defined particle size. It is suitable for thickening and flow control of aqueous construction and coatings systems.
Key properties
- Cost-effective thixotropic additive for aqueous systems
- Provides stable shear-thinning viscosity and texture build over a wide temperature range
- Improves slump or sag resistance
- Improves pumpability and workability of construction systems
- Does not retard drying; has fast water release
- Acts as suspending agent, preventing hard settlement
- Is bacteria- and enzyme-resistant
- Rheological additives
- Organoclay
Market segment
- Ceramics
- Construction
- Energy
- Paints, Coatings & Inks
- Specialty Applications
- Grouts
- Tile mortar
- Drilling Fluid Additives
- General industrial coatings
- Water treatment
How can we help?
We offer a variety of options to help you find the right product for your application
Certifications & labels
- GermanBfR