Ethics & Compliance
At Elementis, integrity is our specialty. Our reputation and success have been built on a tradition of innovation and a commitment to conducting business with integrity around the world.
Throughout our organisation, we are committed to our Elementis Values of Safety, Solutions, Ambition, Respect and Team. By living these values day to day, whatever our role, we each seek to demonstrate fairness and ethical behaviour throughout our business. From our products and solutions, and our relationships with customers and suppliers, to our workplace culture and our wider impact on communities and the environment we strive to do the right thing.

Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct has been built around our Values and reflects our commitment to our people, our company, our customers and suppliers, our communities and the environment. Our Code of Conduct is a key tool in our company compliance program to help ensure that we comply with our legal obligations, act ethically and with integrity. Please click here for our Code available in all our business languages.

Business Partner Code of Conduct
We are committed to complying with the law, ensuring the protection of human rights, high standards of ethical behaviour and environmental practices throughout our supply chain. We expect our Business Partners to maintain similarly high standards. Our Business Partner Code sets out the basic requirements, based on international standards, that we expect of Elementis’ Business Partners as a condition of conducting business with Elementis.

Speaking up
If you have a concern about something relating to Elementis, or its supply chain, which may be illegal, unethical or unsafe, or not compliant with our Code of Conduct or Business Partner Code of Conduct, you can report it via our IntegrityCounts line. This service is hosted independently of Elementis and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in multiple languages and can be used anonymously.

Modern Slavery Statement
At Elementis, we take the risk of modern slavery seriously. We will not tolerate forced labour or child labour in our supply chain. We recognise that modern slavery and human trafficking are serious global issues which require vigilance and attention. We assess the risks, educate our staff and set expectations in our supply chain.

Human Rights Statement
Our Human Rights Policy provides a comprehensive framework to ensure that all employees, contractors, suppliers, and third parties working on behalf of Elementis uphold these principles. This policy is guided by international standards such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labour Organization Core Labour Standards, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.